Century Scholarship S.O.S.! Your support is needed now.

The ASCLA Century Scholarship Committee finds itself without sufficient funds to award the typical scholarship of $2,500 for FY 2011. The largest applicant pool in recent memory has applied for the scholarship, and the winner will use funds to help pay for accessibility tools not covered by standard financial aid.

If you can contribute any amount, please do so at this time. We welcome contributions from members and non-members alike. For those who typically contribute at the LSSPS Dinner, there will not be a collection at this year’s event–we encourage you support the scholarship now.


Mail checks payable to ASCLA with “Century Scholarship” in the memo and send to
Susan Hornung, ALA/ASCLA
Attn: Century Scholarship
50 East Huron Chicago, IL 60611


Contribute online: https://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=Home&Template=/Securit…
You can also access this online donation link by clicking on “giveALA” at the top right of the page.

In order to impact this year’s scholarship, contributions must be at the ASCLA office no later than May 1. Thank you for your support!

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