March 2016


2016 ALA Annual Conference is 99 Days Away!

Don’t miss out on Early Bird Registration rates, which end at 12:00 PM (CST) on March 16, 2016. You can register for the conference using this link: ALA Annual Conference Registration.

The conference will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, June 23–28. Celebrate the honorable work of your colleagues at the ASCLA Awards Ceremony & Reception, attend outstanding workshops and programs, network, and cruise more than 800 vendors in the exhibit hall. Register here.

ASCLA Preconference
Freelance Success: Building a Business as a Library Trainer, Educator, Writer, Researcher, or Consultant – Ticket Purchase Required
Do you want to provide consulting, programs, services, and products to the library community or use your library-related skills in the larger market? How will you know self-employment, freelance work, and/or building an enterprise is for you? Learn what it takes. Read more here.

2016 Elections

The 2016 ALA Elections will open on March 15th and close on April 22nd. Please click on this link to view the following ASCLA members who will be running for ASCLA offices in the 2016 Elections. For more information on the ALA Election process, please view this link: ALA Election Process.

We would like to thank these members for agreeing to stand in for election! Be sure to vote in the Spring elections!

If you have any questions, please email

New Strategic Plan

ASCLA has announced a new strategic plan to guide the organization in its planning, activities, and initiatives. The strategic plan includes the organization’s mission, vision, strategic priorities, goals, and key objectives.

Read all about it here:

A very special thank you to:
Michael Golrick
Carrie Banks
Wendy Knap
Kathy Moeller-Peiffer
Chris Corrigan
Lily Sacharow
Greg Pronivitz

ASCLA Awards

ASCLA is accepting nominations for its 2016 awards – Deadline is April 1st
ASCLA recognizes projects focused on library services to people with disabilities; the advancement of library services for the blind and physically handicapped; exceptional achievement in extension and outreach services; exemplary leadership and achievement in consulting, state library services and library cooperatives; and service to ASCLA. Read more here.

ASCLA_Calendar_2016_ webpage image
2016 ASCLA Calendar

Exclusive 2016 Calendar 

ASCLA’s Exclusive Calendar – New low price!
After shooting hundreds of photos at some of the most beautiful libraries in Chicago, such as the Harold Washington Library, Newberry Library and the Pritzker Military Museum and Library, only a select few were specially chosen for ASCLA’s very first fundraising calendar. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the division that is committed to enriching the services and information that ASCLA provides to its members. Photography and design volunteered by Amy Stieve. Thank you for supporting ASCLA’s mission! Purchase one here.

Online Learning

Tiny questions, big results: How to create rich assessment tools
Learn practical, time-saving techniques for getting the most information for the least effort. Register hereRead more here.

ASCLA invites and encourages you to participate in our informative and exciting courses — you can register online now. Registration starts at $40 for ASCLA members. Group discounts are available for two or more participants from the same library, library system or network. Learn more about these courses and other educational opportunities at the ASCLA online learning page. 

Travel with ASCLA

Come along with us to Prague & Vienna in September of 2016! We’ll visit gorgeous historical sites, indulge in local cuisine and wines, and try our own hand at local dishes with a cooking class!

Take a look at some of our previous trips here: ASCLA Travel.

Volunteers Needed

ASCLA is looking for experts who can help advise our project manager working on the second AccessAbility Academy Module. Our topic is: Improving Services to Library Users with Mental Illnesses.

Advisors will be asked to participate in at least one teleconference, review outlines of the online tutorial, and provide feedback on the free webinar that will be used to refine the final version, among other things.

If you have expertise in the area and are willing to serve as advisor, please contact ASCLA Executive Director, Susan Hornung at before February 8, 2016.

Want to make your library a more welcoming and empowering place for people with disabilities? Not familiar with ASCLA’s AccessAbility Academy? View here to learn more: AccessAbility Academy 

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