December 2015


An Important Message from Susan Hornung, ASCLA Executive Director. 

Dear ASCLA Members:

ASCLA has a wonderful surprise for the holidays for its members this year! We have created a 2016 Library Calendar. This beautiful calendar is especially for book lovers and librarians to remind you of the joy of reading and the pleasure and beauty to be found in libraries. Purchase one here for your library- and book-loving friends and family for the holidays! Members pay only $24.99; Nonmembers pay $27.99. Profits go to support ASCLA’s mission.

I hope those of you who will be in Boston for Midwinter will take time to visit with us at the ASCLA Happy Hour on Friday, January 8, 2016, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m., Westin Boston Waterfront, Birch Bar (cash bar). This is a great opportunity to network, mingle, meet up with old acquaintances (and find some new ones!) and have a little bit of fun. ASCLA’s leaders and volunteers will be available to talk about ASCLA, so be sure to bring a friend or anyone interested in learning more about or joining ASCLA. One of ASCLA’s strengths is that our small size allows us to network and connect with each other better than some of the bigger divisions, and with more fun! All members and visitors are welcome and encouraged to come.

Don’t forget about our Midwinter Institutes! There are still a few seats left if you (or someone you know would like to attend):

“Assembling a Consulting Toolkit: What You Need to Know to be a Successful Library Consultant”Ticket Purchase Required

This full day workshop is designed to prepare participants to begin – or advance – a successful consulting career. Friday, January 8, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, room 155. ASCLA Members, $279. Register here.

“Sustainable Staff Development: 5 Steps to Create a Culture of Learning”Ticket Purchase Required

Ticket Purchase required. A new half-day institute for those who want to learn five practical steps to create a culture of learning within their organization and be able to encourage staff learning and growth through the development of cultural learning norms. Sponsored by the State Library Development Interest Group of the Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies, (ASCLA) Division. Friday, January 8, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, room 156 C. ASCLA Members, $169.  Register here.

If you’re interested in volunteering for ASCLA, you might also want to attend the ASCLA All-Committee meeting held on January 9, 2016, 3:00 PM-5:30 PM, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, room 254A. Many of our committees and interest groups will be meeting and this is a great way to learn more about ASCLA’s work. All are encouraged and welcome to come to these meetings.

Last but not least, the ASCLA board will meet twice in Chicago; please feel free to join us as our honored guests. The board meetings will be held:

Board of Directors Meeting I and II 

  • Board I Saturday, January 9, 8:00 – 10:00 a.m., Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, room 205 A (Leadership session follows immediately after Board I in the same room).
  • Board II – Monday, January 11, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m., Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, room 203.

It has been a wonderful year yet again working with ASCLA members. I want to thank every ASCLA member and volunteer for their dedication, loyalty and for just being such wonderful people! You are all a joy to work with and I consider it a pleasure and a privilege to work with you! Have a happy new year!

Susan Hornung
Executive Director, ASCLA

ASCLA Awards

ASCLA is now accepting nominations for its 2016 awards.
ASCLA recognizes projects focused on library services to people with disabilities; the advancement of library services for the blind and physically handicapped; exceptional achievement in extension and outreach services; exemplary leadership and achievement in consulting, state library services and library cooperatives; and service to ASCLA. Read more here.

The Perfect Holiday Gift

ASCLA_Calendar_2016_ webpage imageASCLA’s Fundraising Calendar
After shooting hundreds of photos at some of the most beautiful libraries in Chicago, such as the Harold Washington Library, Newberry Library and Pritzker Libraries, only a select few were specially chosen for ASCLA’s very first fundraising calendar. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the division that is committed to enriching the services and information that ASCLA provides to its members. Photography and design volunteered by Amy Stieve. Thank you for supporting ASCLA’s mission! Purchase one here.

Midwinter Meeting 2016

ASCLA Institutes: 

Assembling a Consulting Toolkit: What You Need to Know to be a Successful Library Consultant
Ticket Purchase Required
This full day Institute is designed to prepare participants to begin – or advance – a successful consulting career. Seasoned consultants Nancy Bolt and Liz Bishoff will present an overview of the consultant’s role and guide participants through a self-assessment. Participants will work together in an active and engaging format to explore the different roles that consultants play; the variety of services consultants may deliver to clients, and how to align consulting opportunities with experience and skills. Register here.

Sustainable Staff Development: 5 Steps to Create a Culture of Learning
Ticket Purchase Required
This half day workshop addresses the ongoing need that all libraries face to encourage professional development and growth amongst staff. It is especially important now as libraries take on major strategic changes that are reshaping the role of the library. From maker-spaces to information commons, community outreach to campus outreach, technology to tool libraries, libraries must support a culture of staff learning to drive transformative strategic change in the library. This session will give library directors, consultants, managers, and staff the tools to help create and sustain a learning culture within their organization. Register here.

ASCLA Discussion Forums at the 2016 Midwinter Meeting here

Only 24 days until Midwinter Meeting 2016! Don’t miss out on the Advanced Registration rate by 11:59am CST. January 4, 2016. Register here     ‪

2016 Emerging Leader Announced

ASCLA announced Christina Golm as the 2016 Emerging Leader. Golm is currently the Library Director at the Newaygo Area District Library, in Newaygo, MI. Read the full press release here.

Online Learning

Stay tuned for a whole new line-up of online courses and webinars coming soon! 

ASCLA invites and encourages you to participate in our informative and exciting courses — you can register online now. Registration starts at $40 for ASCLA members. Group discounts are available for two or more participants from the same library, library system or network. Learn more about these courses and other educational opportunities at the ASCLA online learning page.

Travel with ASCLA

ASCLA traveled to Scotland this last October!
No need to fret, we are already working on our next fundraising trip…

Come along with us to Prague & Vienna in October of 2016! We’ll visit gorgeous historical sites, indulge in local cuisine and wines, and try our own hand at local dishes with a cooking class! Stay tuned for more details…

Volunteer Opportunities

Interested in meeting new people? ASCLA’s committees are a great way to get involved at the national level and make an impact, while having lots of fun. You can participate even if you can’t attend conferences; ALA’s online community, ALA Connect, and other tools offered by the division make virtual participation easy and engaging.

Below is a list of committees with current openings. As you can see, there are lots of ways to share your talents, influence major decisions for the association and make a difference in the library profession. Please review the list and find a place where you fit.

  • Awards Committee
  • Conference Programming Committee
  • Legislative Advocacy Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Online Learning Committee
  • Publications Committee

If you are interested in serving on one of the committees listed above, please contact by December 31, 2015 with your preference(s). Members are needed to join these committees beginning July 1, 2015 for one and two year terms (all terms start July 1 and end June 30)

A special note: Consumer Health Librarians (CHIL) often work on their own in stand-alone libraries, in a larger library or library system. CHIL is a place where we can come together to discuss issues of common interest such as public heath crises, hard to find information, the question of balance and accuracy and where the line is between providing information and advice. Libraries from public, hospital, special, academic and other types of libraries can learn from and with our colleagues. Keep on top of trends and get the latest news. Share resources and information with other librarians through programs and resource pages. In our first year we plan to sponsor a program in Orlando. Let’s come together to grow healthy communities!

Don’t forget about opportunities to be involved via ASCLA interest groups, too!

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