Introducing the first module of ASCLA’s AccessAbility Academy


Whether you work at an academic, public or special library, you want your library to welcome and empower everyone in your community. How can you ensure you’re ready to help people with disabilities access the resources that enrich their lives and help them succeed?

The new tutorial “Positive Interactions: Making the Library a Welcoming and Empowering Place for People with Disabilities” will prepare all library staff to feel fully confident when communicating and interacting with people with disabilities.

“Positive Interactions” is the first module of ASCLA’s AccessAbility Academy.

With the purchase of this recorded tutorial, you’ll get:

  • Tips and practical advice to help prepare library employees at public, academic and special libraries to effectively communicate and interact with people with disabilities
  • A solid understanding of the broad and diverse types of disabilities and how they impact the way people use the library and its resources
  • Strategies for interacting and building relationships with library users with disabilities that maximizes their empowerment and engagement
  • Certificate of recognition template and more

Make 2013 the year that you take the next step in transforming your library into a more welcoming place for all users.

Purchase “Positive Interaction” now.

ASCLA members:
Organizations: $99 for up to 10 participants
Individuals: $29 each

Non-ASCLA members:
Organizations: $199 for up to 10 participants
Individuals: $59 each

ASCLA 2014 Midwinter workshops: leadership success, online course design and how to become a library consultant

2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting in PhiladelphiaDesigning online courses, the secrets to successful leadership and how to become a library consultant are some of the exciting topics to be addressed at institutes offered by the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) at the 2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia.

ASCLA, a small, mighty and innovative division of the American Library Association, is known for high quality educational events that offer skills and information to transform your library or your career. These 2014 Midwinter institutes continue this outstanding tradition with three institutes and one networking luncheon scheduled between Thursday, Jan. 23 and Saturday, Jan. 25.

All of these events require advance ticket purchase, however registration for the 2014 Midwinter Meeting is not required in order to purchase a ticket. Bundle registration for 2014 Midwinter institutes, the 2014 Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference will open on Sept. 9. Regular Midwinter meeting registration will open on Oct. 1. ASCLA members receive the best registration rates on all of these events; learn more about ASCLA and join today.

Visit beginning Sept. 9 for more information about Bundle registration. Additional meeting information can be found at

This year’s Midwinter institutes and events hosted by ASCLA are:

Designing Online Courses for Significant Learning Experiences
8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24 
Are you a teaching librarian currently offering an online course but looking for ways to enhance the course structure and content? Are you a seasoned professional with special skills and expertise that you see a market for via an e-course? Developing and teaching online courses that create the best possible learning experiences for student participants is both an art and a science. Using a collaborative, hands-on approach, presenters Dr. Stewart Ross and Linda Jacoby of internationally known consulting firm Dee Fink and Associates will guide institute participants through the (re)design of an online course using an integrated course design template. At the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills and confidence to assist others in the development of online courses, or to develop their own online training modules or courses. The techniques applied in this session can also be applied to face-to-face course development. All participants will receive certificates of participation. REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $279; ALA members, $299; non-ALA members, $349; Student/Retired members of ALA, $229.

Knowing You, Knowing Them: The Secret to Successful Leadership
9 a.m. – 4 p.m, Friday, Jan. 24
One of the biggest challenges of leading others is understanding what makes them tick. This full-day workshop will help you understand both yourself in light of your leadership responsibilities and those who work for you. Instead of offering a checklist or template of how-tos, presenter Linda Bruno, MBA, will focus on the human element of leadership. You will leave this session with insights into personalities, emotional intelligence, dealing with change and creating a motivating environment – secrets that can help you be a more successful leader! Linda has presented several workshops for ASCLA and receives rave reviews for her content and presentations. REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $279; ALA members, $299; non-ALA members, $339; Student/Retired members of ALA, $229.

Assembling a Consulting Toolkit: What You Need to Know to be a Successful Library Consultant
1 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 23 and 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24

ASCLA – the home to library consultants and independent librarians within ALA – is bringing back its wildly successful, sell-out workshop! Seasoned consultants Nancy Bolt and Liz Bishoff will present an overview of the consultant’s role and guide you through an active and engaging self-assessment to uncover your unique consulting potential and strengths. Takeaways include marketing tips, pricing your services, responding to RFPs, finding clients, business management strategies and so much more. Note that this event is held over two days–Thursday afternoon and Friday morning–with an opportunity for networking on Thursday evening. This institute will not be offered in Las Vegas, so don’t miss out on this opportunity! REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $279; ALA members, $299; non-ALA members, $339; Student/Retired members of ALA, $229.

Consultants Networking Luncheon hosted by ASCLA Library Consultants Interest Group
12 – 2 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25, 
Lunch and learn with colleagues! This event provides an opportunity for consultants and independent librarians to make connections with other professionals. We’ll also have an hour of education focused on valuable skills for consultants; last year’s event covered icebreaker activities, refining your elevator speech and Twitter. The event is hosted by ASCLA’s Library Consultants Interest Group ( Whether you’re new to consulting or have decades of experience, please join this fun group for some peer-to-peer networking and education. REGISTRATION RATES: ASCLA members, $79; ALA members, $95; non-ALA members, $99; Student/Retired members of ALA, $79.

ASCLA, a small, mighty and growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. Our division’s work centers on member-driven interest groups that represent the diversity and important work of our engaged and active members. Learn more about ASCLA and how to join this innovative division.

Call for online learning proposals: Submit by Sept. 10 for ASCLA online courses, webinars


ASCLA invites subject matter experts and experienced librarians with knowledge to share to submit proposals for ASCLA webinars and online courses to be presented between October 2013 and August 2014 as a part of ASCLA’s outstanding online learning offerings.

ASCLA welcomes proposals on topics that will assist our diverse membership in improved service delivery and job performance, as well as topics that reflect ASCLA’s expertise and are valuable for all types of libraries, librarians and library support staff across the profession.

Proposals will be accepted Aug. 1-Sept. 1 through September 10. Webinars approved for presentation will be offered between Oct. 22 and Dec. 1. Approved online courses will launch in February or March 2014.

What are we currently offering as webinars and online courses? Check them out at the ASCLA website. More information about the submission process and ASCLA’s online learning offerings is at the ASCLA website under the Online Learning section.

Webinar presenters and online learning instructors are compensated for their work and will receive training and support for Blackboard Collaborate, the webinar technology platform used by the division, and Moodle, the online tool used for courses.

Ready to submit a proposal?

Access the online webinar submission form here.

          Download a PDF of the webinar form to help you prepare your submission.

Access the online course submission form here.

          Download a PDF of the online course form to help you prepare your submission.

Proposal topics for courses and webinars may include, but are not limited to the following (listed in no particular order, and bulleted for easier reading):

  • ADA updates for libraries; adult programming in a correctional library; eBooks;
  • assessing accessibility knowledge; benchmarks and evaluation measures; best practices, standards and guidelines to improve library services;
  • innovative services for an aging population; budgeting; collaborative digitization;
  • correctional librarianship 101: covering the basics of a good prison/jail library; data analysis and assessment;
  • dealing with learning disabilities; designing effective surveys; cultivating member loyalty through relationships in cooperative organizations;
  • download training for patrons who use screen readers; emerging technologies for those with special needs, including apps and iPads;
  • evaluating and improving cooperative services; evaluation content analysis; financial literacy;
  • future trends in library service; GIS training; grants: how to find grant funding and write your proposal;
  • group purchasing; health literacy; how to be a consultant; how to be a futurist; how to deliver online training;
  • how to hire a library consultant; nonprofit leadership; increasing public understanding of the value of libraries;
  • innovations in library service; law librarianship for correctional librarians; managing and improving services in a library cooperative;
  • marketing library services to special needs populations; marketing on a shoestring budget; navigating book selection sources;
  • outcomes-based education; outreach skills; outreach to visually or physically handicapped populations;
  • partnering with community organizations; project planning; public education as a marketing tool; recognizing great service in member libraries;
  • seeking grants for consultancy work; services to library patrons with cognitive or mental impairments;
  • low-literacy adults; diverse populations, including special needs populations; tablet computers;
  • training staff to confidently serve library users with disabilities, and raising awareness of this important population;
  • technology trends for special needs populations; utilizing focus groups to prioritize services to the disabled; and working with refugees.

Questions about submissions or about ASCLA’s online learning programs should be sent to Andrea Hill, ASCLA web manager and primary online learning contact at


ASCLA Online Learning: Personalities in the workplace, emotional intelligence and services to people with disabilities

Summertime is learning time! Get signed up for a webinar or online course with ASCLA today and reap the benefits of online professional development: affordable, convenient and valuable.

More information about all of our upcoming online learning offerings, including scheduling, pricing and group discounts, is available at the ASCLA online learning page:

Questions about the registration process should be sent to

Questions about course content or schedules should be sent to Web Manager Andrea Hill at

==Upcoming ASCLA Webinars==

We are offering two series of webinars presented by Linda Bruno, an outstanding trainer who just presented our Servant Leadership workshop in Chicago with rave reviews!

When you register for either of these series, you are registering for three separate webinar sessions on the dates and times listed below. Register for both series–a total of six webinars–and save 15%! All webinar sessions will be recorded, and links to the recordings will be sent to paid registrants so you’ll be able to catch up if you miss a session.

>>>WEBINAR SERIES 1: Understanding Personalities in the Workplace, Aug. 14, 21, and 28, 2:00-3:00 PM

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Why did they DO that?” attend this informative and fun workshop series and find out! Participants will learn and begin to master an understanding of their own personality style; the characteristics of each of the 4 personality styles; how to interact with each of the 4 styles; and an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each style.

>>>WEBINAR SERIES 2: Emotional Intelligence in Your Workplace, Sept. 18, 25 and Oct. 2, 2:00-3:00 PM

Emotional Intelligence: simply defined, it’s being intelligent about emotions–yours and others’. We’ll delve into how our behavioral styles can affect our levels of emotional intelligence. We’ll also take a closer look at emotions: What are emotions anyway? Are we even aware of them when they happen? Can we control them? We’ll also probe how our emotions affect how we interact with others and discover the potential for improving our emotional intelligence, why it matters in the workplace, and why it might be challenging to do so.


==Upcoming ASCLA Online Courses==

>>>Improving Library Services to People With Disabilities Oct. 14 – Nov. 10, 2013

Two live course chat meetings: Chat 1:  Thursday, October 24, 3-4 p.m. Central Time. Chat 2:  Thursday, November 7, 3-4 p.m. Central Time.

CEUs now available for this course! Participants will identify library users with disabilities at their library and the resources and assistive technologies available to assist them; examine changes in attitudes, laws and technologies that have impacted people with disabilities; and recommend changes in personal and organizational behaviors to improve services for people with disabilities at their library.

Deadline extended! Submit your program, preconference or institute proposal for 2014 by July 31

Now that the 2013 Annual Conference is over, it’s time to start looking ahead to 2014!

The ASCLA Conference Programming Committee is accepting proposals until July 31, 2013 for the following types of programming:

  • Institutes for the 2014 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia
  • Preconferences for the 2014 Annual Conference in Las Vegas
  • Programs for the 2014 Annual Conference in Las Vegas

Institutes and preconferences are ticketed events held on the Friday of the conference. Programs are held throughout the Annual Conference and are included as a part of conference registration.

You can access the online program proposal form here:

You can also download a PDF of the form in preparation for submitting the online form. Only online submissions will be accepted! (If you run into accessibility challenges with either version of the form, please contact us so we can help you out!)

The revised deadline for submissions is Wednesday, July 31!

We have a limited number of slots available for each type of event, so put your best foot forward when submitting a proposal.

Who can propose a program, institute or preconference? Any current ASCLA member can propose one of these events, however we strongly encourage support and sponsorship from one of our interest groups! If you’re not an interest group member, consider joining one and using the group as a springboard for your conference event ideas. Check out the list of our interest groups, contact information for interest group leaders and instructions on how to join.

What sorts of topics are of interest? The best topics represent ASCLA’s core member areas–state library agencies, special populations librarians, independent librarians and library consultants, and resource-sharing librarians at networks and cooperatives–but are also of interest to librarians throughout the profession from all types of libraries. Keep in mind that topics should still be relevant in January and June 2014 when they are finally presented! You can browse our interest group list here for inspiration.

If my event is accepted and approved by ASCLA, what will I be responsible for? You will be responsible for recruiting and serving as a liaison to the event speakers, as well as being on-site the day of the event to help coordinate event details. You will work with the ASCLA office to set up the event details with ALA Conference Services. The ASCLA office will promote your event, and will give you the tools to help spread the word.

I’m not an ASCLA member, but I’d like to get involved with program planning. The best way to do this is to join ASCLA, and then join one of our many interest groups.

Anything else I should know? If you’re going to go through the trouble of planning an in-person event, we want to maximize the reach of that information! Consider offering a webinar or other online learning opportunity in conjunction with the in-person event that will enhance the learning experience! So for example, you might offer a webinar in early May as a teaser for the content that will be covered at your conference program in June. In late July, you might host a follow-up discussion using a tool like ALA Connect, Google Hangout or Blackboard Collaborate that brings program attendees together to continue the conversation about what you’ve discussed at the previous two events.

Questions about the program planning process? Please contact Rosario Garza, committee chair at and Liz Markel, ASCLA marketing & programs manager at

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

ASCLA Conference Programs: Links for online evaluations

We hope you enjoyed ASCLA’s programs and preconferences at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago! To help us prepare for 2014 programs and other upcoming professional development offerings, we’d appreciate your feedback on your 2013 experiences 2013.

Please take a moment to complete an evaluation for each ASCLA program you attended. Use the specified links below for each program; in other words, once you’ve completed one evaluation, come back and use a different link to access the evaluation for another program. It’s the only way you’ll be able to use the evaluation form multiple times.


  • President’s Program: Storytelling Mojo:
  • Boomers to Seniors:
  • Do Those Evaluation Statistics Mean Anything:
  • Arts and School Libraries Inside:
  • Easy and Affordable Accessibility:
  • Beyond Brainstorming:


  • Discovery to Delivery:
  • Servant Leadership at Your Library:
  • Ports in a Storm:

Oh, and if you joined us for a program but you’re not an ASCLA member, please consider joining us! We are a small, mighty and innovative division of ALA with diverse areas of interest across the library profession. Learn more about the division and ASCLA membership!

Libraries and incarcerated youth: Conference programs from ASCLA

ASCLA is hosting two programs focused on library services to incarcerated youth. Join us for one or both of these exciting events and get “outside of the (library services) box” to get a new perspective on the importance of libraries, and their role as a lifeline for incarcerated youth.

Arts + School Libraries Inside

Saturday, June 29, 2013 – 4:30pm to 5:30pm

Scheduled for McCormick Place Room N427d. Check the event listing in the scheduler for the most up-to-date information.

This program will explore the ways in which school libraries serving incarcerated and detained youth incorporate the arts. Strategies presented will include: partnerships with arts organizations, partnerships with non-profits, instructional collaboration with art teachers, collection development, programming, and professional development. This presentation will also include examples of student work and project outcomes.

Speakers: Claudio Leon, Library Assistant / Instructional Technology Specialist, Passages Academy and Regan Schwartz, School Librarian, Passages Academy

Tour: Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and Library

Monday, July 1

Separate event registration required! Details below.

Want to find out more about the world of juvenile corrections & juvenile correctional librarianship in general? Are you already working in the field, and interested in seeing how another juvenile correctional facility library operates?  ASCLA and Library Services for Youth in Custody (LSYC) are co-sponsoring and hosting a Juvenile Detention Facility Tour at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and its library on Monday, July 1st, from 8:45am-12:30pm.

The Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center and its library, operated by Nancy B. Jefferson Alternative School, are located on the west side of Chicago. Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center is one of the largest youth detention centers in the country. The school and library are operated by Chicago Public Schools and the library is staffed by a full-time, certified school library media specialist. Megan Cusick, Nancy B. Jefferson school librarian, and Camden Tadhg, logistics team chair of LSYC, will be running the tour.


Tour questions? Contact Camden at

Servant Leadership in Your Library: Register by June 21 for leadership development workshop hosted by ASCLA

ALA Annual Conference Chicago logo

“Servant Leadership” – what does it mean, particularly in a library setting? And why should it matter to you?

And you’re absolutely right. But in this ASCLA workshop, Servant Leadership in Your Library, you’ll learn how to integrate “serving” with “leadership” in a way that will positively influence how your library is perceived by patrons, staff members, and your community.You may be thinking, “Isn’t ‘serving’ what we do every day?”

In this full-day program hosted by experience trainer Linda Bruno, rather than a “cookie cutter” approach to leadership, we’ll delve into who you are as a leader. How can becoming a servant leader change the dynamics of your entire organization – from the inside out? We’ll discuss the importance of understanding the needs of your staff, helping them grow personally and professionally, being open to their feedback and input, and valuing their contribution to your organization. We’ll each develop our own list of what changes we want to incorporate to become servant leaders, and how we can help others in our library do the same.

Through discussions, group work, games, and assessments, you’ll come away from this session with a fresh perspective on your own leadership style – and ideas for incorporating servant leadership into your own organization.

Whether you’re a mid-level manager or a library director, understanding how servant leadership can benefit your library will help you become the leader you were meant to be.

Registration for this event ends Friday, June 21!

**No registrations will be available on the day of the event.


Great Lakes-area librarians! Did you know you can register and attend this event without registering for the entire conference? Drive in on Thursday night and spend the day learning with us on Friday. Select “Ticketed Events and Preconferences Only” as your registration type to make this happen.


Registration Rates: $279, ASCLA member. $299, ALA member. $319, non-member. $239, ALA Retired and Student members.

Learn more about Linda Bruno at her website, Linda has presented programs for ASCLA before and received rave reviews! She has 20 years of real-world management experience and has been helping people grow personally and professionally for more than 10 years.

NEWS: Innovation at your library: ASCLA workshops, programming and events at the ALA Annual Conference

The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA), a small and mighty division of ALA, will offer innovative and insightful preconferences, programs and events at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference; this year’s topics include disaster response, leadership development, effective decision-making, accessibility, services to older adults, arts programs for incarcerated youth and service evaluation.

Participants in ASCLA’s preconferences will find themselves at the forefront of library trends, advocacy and self-empowerment. “Ports in a Storm: Your Library as Disaster Recovery Center” will revitalize the role libraries play in their community following a disaster and show you how to build partnerships and access resources to achieve this goal. Librarians can cultivate loyalty from employees and library users as they develop their servant leadership persona with the help of professional library trainer Linda Bruno at the “Servant Leadership in Your Library” preconference. “Discovery to Delivery: Rethinking Resource Sharing” will bring together resource sharing librarians from public and academic libraries to discuss innovations in discovery, trends in physical and virtual delivery, e-books and ILL finances. Review pricing and event details and register for these preconferences at the ASCLA website.

At the ASCLA’s President’s Program, ”Storytelling Mojo: Creating the 21st Century Library Narrative,” speaker Michael Margolis, CEO of Get Storied, will revolutionize your approach to promoting, communicating about and advocating for your library. The program will focus on how we can think strategically about how we communicate within and outside of our libraries more effectively. Through this engaging and interactive session, Margolis will provide simple ways to help design and deliver powerful messages. The ASCLA President’s Program will be held from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Sunday, June 30, 2013 at McCormick Place Convention Center. Get program details and add the program to your schedule.

ASCLA’s conference programs will also offer a multitude of valuable, cutting edge ideas to transform libraries, librarian careers and the way we think about library services:

  • School and youth services librarians won’t want to miss “Arts + School Libraries Inside,” where we’ll discuss how school libraries serving incarcerated youth can create partnerships with arts organizations and non-profits and collaboration with art teachers. We’ll also cover collection development, programming and professional development.
  • Hear from the Institute of Museum and Library Services Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation how to improve the quality of program evaluation at “Do Those Evaluation Statistics Mean Anything?” Topics for discussion include strategies for improving the capacity of libraries to use evaluation by creating a network linking those producing evaluation with those who use the information to make better decisions.

  • Learn how to make decisions more nimbly and confidently with speaker Joan Frye Williams at “Beyond Brainstorming: Making More Effective Decisions.” Williams will present new strategies for decision-making that address modern pressures of time, finances and transparency, as well as the increased pace of change in our professional environments.

  • Help your library serve all people, regardless of abilities, with the tools and tips presented at “Easy and Affordable Accessibility.” Libraries of all sizes will benefit from hearing the lists of go-to resources, easy-to-use adaptive equipment and ways to make your library environment more user-friendly to everyone that will be shared at this session.

  • Interested in new programming ideas for serving older adults? Add “Boomers to Seniors: Library Models for Serving and Engaging Older Adults” to your schedule.The program will highlight two complementary IMLS-funded model programs targeting Baby Boomers–adults born between 1946 and 1964–in a variety of settings inside and outside the library.

Conference participants are also invited to celebrate ASCLA’s 2013 award winners and network with the vibrant membership community at the ASCLA/COSLA Reception, 5:45 – 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 29. Register for the ALA Annual Conference now to participate in conference programming and events. Conference registration is not required in order to register for preconferences–select “Ticketed Events and Preconferences Only” as your registration type.

ASCLA, a small, mighty and growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. Our division’s work centers on member-driven interest groups that represent the diversity and important work of our engaged and active members. Learn more about ASCLA and how to join this innovative division.

NEWS: New ASCLA webinar provides practical tools for increasing usability and accessibility of websites

CHICAGO — “Accessibility is Usability,” a new webinar hosted by the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA), will tackle Web accessibility and its strong connection to usability and will also discuss adaptive technologies, how to write accessible website code and how to check a website for accessibility.

“Accessibility is Usability” will cover key concepts of accessible Web design, parallels between accessibility and universal design and how to test websites for accessibility. Participants will also learn how websites designed with accessibility in mind can lead to cleaner interfaces that work on multiple monitor sizes, search engine optimization and faster download speeds – features that benefit all website users, regardless of ability. Other topics to be covered include what is meant by “accessibility” in websites; laws governing accessibility; types of disabilities and how people with disabilities use the Web; different adaptive technologies; how to write accessible code and coding’s relationship to universal access. The webinar will be presented by ASCLA member Christopher Corrigan – learn more about Corrigan and this webinar at the ASCLA website.

Public, academic and state libraries will benefit from this webinar, as will libraries serving people with disabilities and librarians charged with creating and disseminating digital content. This webinar is also an excellent opportunity to kickstart discussions of accessibility at your library by bringing a group together for this presentation. A recording of this session will be available to paid registrants following the session.

“Accessibility is Usability” will be held from 1 – 2:15 p.m. Central time on Friday, May 31, 2013. Registration rates start at $40 for ASCLA members, and registration will close on Thursday, May 30. Register online for this webinar now. Group rates are available, with either single login or multiple login options. Get group registration information at ASCLA’s Online Learning page.

ASCLA, a small, mighty and growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), is a diverse organization of librarians and support staff who work in academic and public libraries, state agencies, specialized libraries and cooperatives, as well as those who are self-employed. Our division’s work centers on member-driven interest groups that represent the diversity and important work of our engaged and active members. Learn more about ASCLA and how to join this innovative division.