Have you submitted a proposal for an ASCLA webinar yet?

 ASCLA welcomes proposals on topics that will assist our diverse membership in improved service delivery and job performance, as well as topics that reflect ASCLA’s expertise and are valuable for all types of libraries, librarians and library support staff across the profession.

Are you a subject matter expert? Do you have experience administering a particular type of service or program? Do you have an innovation to share?


Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis until all available presentation slots for 2013 are filled.

Webinar presenters are compensated for their work and will receive training and support for Blackboard Collaborate, the webinar technology platform used by the division.

Need some inspiration? Check out this blog post for a list of topics we’re interested in, and also a link to the submission form:


If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Hill, ASCLA web manager, at ahill@ala.org.