Active Shooter Awareness Training!

In light of the recent events in Orlando that have become far too common in our society, ASCLA would like to invite you to an active shooter awareness training at Annual this year. In addition, our past president was featured on the Dewey Decibels podcast in May discussing this topic. Information about the program and access to the podcast are below.

Active Shooter Policies in Libraries Program: Be able to complete an environmental scan to identify potential risk areas at your library, as well as write an active shooter policy/procedure for your library. Most libraries have policies dealing with a problem or unruly patrons. Find out how to protect your patrons and staff from a darker problem, someone intent on inflicting actual physical harm. The NDSL active shooter procedure will be presented as a model as well as tips for writing your policy. Speaker:  BreAnne Meier, North Dakota State Library, Date: Saturday, June 25, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Location: Orange County Convention Center, W101B. Schedule it.

ASCLA Past-President in the News: Active Shooter Training: ASCLA Past-President Kathleen Moeller-Peiffer (director of New Mexico State Library) speaks in the Dewey Decibels, episode 2 podcast, May 23, 2016, about library security and making your space safer!  Listen to the podcast here (at about 38.23) as Kathleen explains about some of the active shooter training programs she made available to her staff at the New Mexico and New Jersey state libraries. She talks about the programs’ usefulness for frontline staff and the model that was used at Scott County (Ky.) Public Library.

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